

$600 - Full Page
$350 - Half Page
$200 - Quarter Page
$150 - Eighth Page
$40 - Directory Listing*
  • Each vendor receives one directory listing.
  • Supplied artwork must be high-resolution and in the following formats:
    • Adobe CMYK PDF with at least a 300 dpi
    • TIFF in CMYK with at least a 300 dpi
  • All fonts and images must be included or converted to outline
  • If your ad needs to be typeset or redesigned to meet these requirements, there will be a minimum of a $25 fee
  • Custom ad design available
  • All ads need to be submitted by 8/29/19 to info@wvenergyexpo.com

Each year, The WV Energy Expo publishes its Energy Directory. Different than your usual Expo guide, this Directory is distributed and utilized throughout the year by our attendees, exhibitors and sponsors. It is also distributed throughout the industry based on availability. Guarantee your spot in this beneficial marketing and sales generating opportunity today. All ads are printed in full color. Custom design is available, if required.